High Street, Kimpton, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG4 8RB

01438 832394

Kimpton Primary School

Achieving today; ready for tomorrow.

Home Learning

At Kimpton Primary School, we see home learning as an essential part of children’s learning. It is a chance to practise and embed skills, consolidate understanding of work covered in school and develop good independent working habits.  After feedback from our Parent Forum, we have reduced children's homework to focus on three key areas of learning: reading, spelling and times tables.

It is vitally important that every child reads at home every day, as the ability to read underpins all that we do at school and throughout life. Basic number skills, including times tables and number facts, are also essential and need to be practised regularly. The class pages on our website give information about the times tables you can support with at home.  Spellings are set weekly.

Whilst we want to ensure children are able to manage an appropriate amount of independent home learning, we are aware that some children particularly enjoy the creative, topic-lead tasks previously set.  As such, class teachers will also provide a small selection of linked learning ideas - these are optional tasks.  If your child wishes to complete an activity of their own choosing linked to their topic, they are also welcome to do so - again this is an optional extra.

Please note that in Year 6, towards the latter stages of the year additional home learning will be set to ensure that children are prepared for their transition into secondary school and are gaining the organisational skills required for the next step in their learning journey.  The following documents may support Year 6 parents with some of the terminology used:

What Grammar and Punctuation Skills are Taught in Each Year Group?

Glossary of Terms used in English

Purple Mash

Purple Mash is an award-winning website for nursery and primary school children. It enables children to explore and enhance their knowledge in a fun and creative way.

As a school we use Purple Mash within our lessons but it can also be used at home, continuing the learning in a fun, interactive way which allows the children to learn independently.

Every child in the school has their own log in.  If your child has lost this information, please see the class teacher.

We are aware that the 'real world' relies heavily on the knowledge and understanding of ICT in an ever evolving area of the curriculum.  Purple Mash includes a wide range of activities, games and applications for children to use.  Look out for the symbols which will direct you to the age group, device available on and skills being used.

Please see the video below for further details:


We use Sumdog for personalised maths practice.  

These help to consolidate classroom learning and are highly enjoyable for our pupils, Using such software also means that our pupils can continue to access and practice maths skills away from class. 

Please see the class teacher if your child needs help logging in.