High Street, Kimpton, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG4 8RB

01438 832394

Kimpton Primary School

Achieving today; ready for tomorrow.

Nursery Admissions

Visit now for September 2024 entry. 

We run a merged Nursery and Reception class, serving not just Kimpton but families from the wider Harpenden and North Herts districts.
We warmly welcome new children into the Early Years and are able to accept Nursery-age children from the September after their third birthday. 

Our nursery offer

We offer up to 26 Nursery places in our Early Years setting, with core nursery sessions running from 8.45am to 11.45am, Monday to Friday ('15 hours free childcare').

30 Hours Free Childcare for 3 and 4 Year Olds

To find out if you are eligible for the 30 hours provision, go to the government's Childcare Choices website

For parents eligible for, and wishing to take up, the 30 hours provision, there are two options:

  • your child can attend Monday-Friday from 8:45am until 2:45pm


  • your child can attend for four days from 8:45am until 3.15pm (to finish in line with the rest of the school), and attend from 8:45am until 1:00pm on the fifth day.  If you want your child to attend until 3:15pm every day you can pay for the remainder of the fifth day at a cost of £9.00.

What if I am not eligible for 30 Hours Free Childcare?

If you do not meet the 30 hour entitlement criteria, your child can still access lunchtime or afternoon sessions on the following, paid for, basis:

  • 11:45am until 1:00pm for lunch club (£7.50)
  • 11:45am until 2:45pm paying for the extra 3 hours (£18.00)
  • 11:45am until 3:15pm paying for the extra 3.5 hours (£21.00)

Payment will need to be made in advance of the sessions and booked for half a term in advance.


For children staying for lunch club or an afternoon session, school lunches are available at a cost of £2.60; or you can send a packed lunch with your child.

School Visits

Don't worry if you missed our open days, which were held in November.  The Headteacher, Mr Ferguson, is happy to offer school tours for individual families, so please just get in touch and we will arrange a mutually convenient date and time.   

You can get a taste of life at Kimpton Primary School by taking a look at our school video, which gives a brief snap shot of a day in the life of the school. You can read more about the nursery curriculum (the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework) in our Teaching and Learning pages. Or, have a look at the Early Years class page to 'meet' the teacher and find out more about the topics we teach.

Any questions?

If you have any further questions or would like to discuss the school further,  please contact Mrs Caner, in the office, on 01438 832 394 or email admin@kimpton.herts.sch.uk

Other useful information

The Local Authority Education Department produces an information pack which informs parents how to apply for a Nursery place and this is distributed through the Health Trusts via your child being registered with a local doctor.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Attendance at Nursery does not mean an automatic place in our Reception cohort.  There is a separate admissions process for children of statutory school age, which is administered by Hertfordshire County Council.


We manage our own admissions process for Nursery.

Under the normal admissions timeline, parents are invited to apply directly to the school for their child’s Nursery place in the spring before the academic year that their child turns 4.  The academic year runs from September to August. 

Our Application Form can be downloaded from the link below.

Please return the completed form by email to admin@kimpton.herts.sch.uk, or post to Kimpton Primary School, High Street, Kimpton, SG4 8RB, or hand in to the school office.

If you are unable to print the form at home,  please call the school office on 01438 832 394 and we would be happy to print one for you.

 KPS Nursery Application Form.pdfDownload
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Admissions Criteria

In the event of the school being over-subscribed, nursery places will be allocated according to the school’s admission rules below.  

Schools must admit children with an EHC (Education, Health and Care) Plan that names the school.

Children looked after and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or a special guardianship order).

A “child looked after” is a child who is

a) in the care of a local authority, or

b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (section 22(1) of The Children Act 1989)

Adopted – under the terms of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 (section 46) The Adoption and Children Act was not enacted until December 2005, therefore children adopted before December 2005 are not eligible.

Residence Order – under the terms of the Children Act 1989, section 8 defines a residence order as an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live.

Special guardianship order – under 14A of The Children Act 1989, an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian or guardians.

Children in the process of being placed for adoption are classified by law as children looked after providing there is a Placement Order.

Children who have a sibling at the school at the time of application, unless the sibling is in the last year of the normal age-range of the school (Year 6).

A sibling is defined as children who live as brother or sister in the same house, including natural brothers or sisters, adopted siblings, stepbrothers or sisters and foster brothers and sisters. 

Children with a parent who is a current employee at Kimpton Primary School with at least two years service at the time of application.  A parent means the mother, father, step-mother or step-father of the child and in every case living at the same permanent address as the child. 

Children who take up their 30 hours entitlement.

Any other children, on a 'first come, first served' basis.

Frequently asked questions

There are now many options available to parents in relation to childcare. For further details on what these options are please visit the new Childcare Choices Website (https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/) set up by HMRC. This also gives information about the new Tax-Free Childcare scheme and includes a childcare calculator so you can compare your different options.  You can also register to receive emails about the new childcare schemes available at: https://www.tax.service.gov.uk/childcare-schemes-interest/welcome

If you are  interested in signing up to Kimpton Nursery for your additional 15 hours you need to visit the website www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/parents which will allow you to check if you are eligible.

Access the website https://childcare-support.tax.service.gov.uk/par/app/applynow which will take you through a set of questions, taking around 20 minutes. Before you start you will need the following information:

    • your National Insurance number

    • if you're self-employed, your Unique Taxpayer Reference

    • You're sent a Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) when you first register for Self Assessment. Your UTR is on notices to file a tax return or payment reminders sent to you by HM Revenue and Customs. Look for a 10-digit number, sometimes with a letter 'K' on the end. It's sometimes just called 'tax reference'.

    • the date you started, or are due to start work

    • details of any other government support you get

    • your child’s NHS number

Once you have your 30 hours code beginning with the digits 500xxxxxxx you will be able to bring it into school with your child’s DOB, their NHS number and your National Insurance number and register with us.

If you have any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate in contacting us and we will do our very best to answer your questions.

All children have the morning session in the Nursery classroom with the class teacher and from 8.45-11.45am. 

At 11.45am children have their lunch with the Reception class in our small dining room, overseen by an Early Years Practitioner. 

After lunch the children enjoy some time outdoors on the KS1 playground until 1.00pm. 

For the afternoon session the Nursery children join the Reception class.  For the first 20 minutes they have a small group session in the Nursery classroom.  They then return to the Reception classroom for an afternoon of exploring time.

At the moment we are set up to accept vouchers from Edenred, Computershare and Sodexo. 

If you receive childcare vouchers from another provider please contact us on 01438 832394 to discuss.