High Street, Kimpton, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG4 8RB

01438 832394

Kimpton Primary School

Achieving today; ready for tomorrow.

Statutory Information

The DfE requires maintained schools to publish certain information on their websites.

Please follow the links below or, if you need any further information, contact Mrs Caner on: 01438 832 394

School contact details
How to get in touch and the names of key contacts are given on the Contact Us page
School opening hours

The school gate is opened at 8:40am with children expected to be in their classrooms by 8:50am. Registration is at 8:55am ready for the children to start the school day.

School ends at 11:45am for Nursery children (2.45 for 30 hours). School finishes for the rest of the children at 3:15pm. Please meet your children by their classroom door in KS1 and on the playground for KS2. Your child's teacher will ensure that they leave with a parent or named individual.

Admission arrangements
Admissions to the school are managed by Herts County Council; admissions to the Nursery are managed by the school.  Please see the Admissions section for details of admission arrangements, including how to apply and oversubscription criteria.
School uniform
Logo'd uniform is available from either of our two suppliers, but many items can be purchased from other clothing stores.  Please see our School Uniform page for more information
We are a Good school.  To view our latest Ofsted report please follow this link to the Key Information section.
Assessment results
You can find a summary of our 2022-23 data here, shown with 2021-22 comparatives.
Performance measures

The DfE publishes primary test and assessment results for schools.  Follow this link for Kimpton Primary School

No primary test or assessment data has been published for 2020, 2021 or 2022. Data for 2023 will be published in December. You can view the final 2019 data, however this data may no longer reflect the school's current performance.

Details of our curriculum offer, including information about our Phonics scheme - Anima Phonics - are within the Teaching and Learning section.
Music Development Plan
You can find our Music Development Plan for 2024-25 on our Music curriculum page.
Remote learning
In the event of school closures, we use Purple Mash resources to deliver teaching and learning for pupils.
Behaviour policy
The school's behaviour policy (including anti-bullying), together with the governors' written statement of behaviour principles, is published on our Policies page.

Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium

You can read about our Pupil Premium strategy here and find out how we spent our pupil premium and recovery premium grants last academic year and the impact of that expenditure on eligible and other pupils.
PE and Sport Premium
We publish an annual report, showing how we spend the grant and evidencing the impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium.
Equality Duty
Information about how we comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty, together with our Equality Objectives for 2023-27, is published on our Equality page
Special Educational Needs and Disability information

We publish our SEND Information Report, which gives information about our school's policy for pupils with SEN and/or disabilities, and update this annually.  Our SEN Policy and Accessibility Plan are found in the Policies section.

For other information about provision for SEND at Kimpton Primary School, please go to our SEND page within the Teaching and Learning section.

Complaints procedure
We care what you think and hope that all concerns can be addressed before they become a complaint.  If matters do escalate, you can find our complaints procedure on our policies page.
Governors' information and duties
Information about our governors and the work of the governing body is on the Governance page.
Financial information

There are no staff at Kimpton Primary School who have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.

You are able to see how the school's spending compares to other schools at this website: Compare School's Performance.

Charging and remissions
Schools are not permitted to make any charge for admission applications or for education of children during the school day.  The circumstances in which we might make a charge and our policy on requesting voluntary contributions are covered in our Charging and Remissions policy, published on the Policies page.
Values and Ethos
We call our school values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience our K Factors.  You can read about these and our school vision in the Key Information section of this website:
Promoting British Values
At Kimpton, we believe that we are instrumental in ensuring that our children grow into good citizens with an understanding of right and wrong.  British Values are part of our social curriculum to promote these attributes. 

For data security issues or subject access requests, please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at the following email address:  DPO@kimpton.herts.sch.uk

You can find our Privacy Notice and other GDPR information here.



Requests for paper copies - If you require a paper copy of the information on our school website, please contact the school office.