School Lunch
Lunch is prepared in the school kitchen by well-qualified staff under the organisation of Herts Catering Ltd (HCL) and the emphasis is on good, nutritious food.
We offer HCL's Pupils' Choice menu: at registration, the children choose from a main meal, a vegetarian meal or a jacket potato/pasta option. For KS2 children only, there is also a sandwich option. The menu is on a three-week rotation and changes twice a year.
Children are encouraged to eat the food they ask for, as a sign of good manners to the cook.
Children may choose to have a school lunch some days and bring in a packed lunch from home on others, but are required to keep to a regular weekly pattern. Parents may change their children's lunch arrangements at any time, but must inform the office first and we would appreciate two weeks' notice.
Dietary requirements
If a child has a special meal requirement due to allergens or dietary preferences, we will do our best to accommodate, but it is very important that a special menu is agreed with HCL before that child starts to have school meals.
Infant Free School Meals
Under the Government’s Universal Infant Free School Meal programme, there is no charge for meals served to children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
Junior School Meals
Meals are available at a cost of £3.40 per day for children in Years 3 - 6. You can pay for these online through Arbor and we ask that you keep your school meal balance in credit.
Free School Meals
There is support available for families who receive financial support such as: Income Support; Income-based Jobseekers Allowance; Income-related Employment and Support Allowance; Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit.
Follow this link to see how to apply for free school meals, or ask in the school office for assistance:
NB Even if you are not planning on taking up the free school meals offer (FSM), there is benefit to your child and to the school from registering your eligibility, as the school receives grant funding (Pupil Premium) based on the number of FSM children
Nursery Meals
For nursery children staying for school lunch, the cost is £2.60 per day, payment is via Arbor.
Home Packed Lunches
Those children not wishing to have a school meal may bring a packed lunch from home in a named lunch box/bag. Please do not send children in to school with lunches in plastic bags.
As a school, we promote healthy eating and so we ask that children should bring in:
- drinks in a watertight container that should not be fizzy or in a glass bottle
- healthy snacks - no chocolate bars or sweets to be included
Due to staff and pupil allergies we are a no nut school. Please do not bring nut products into school so that we can reduce the risks of allergic reactions on the premises.