SAFEGUARDING - It’s everybody’s responsibility at Kimpton Primary School - All pupils are safe and happy, inspired by a love of learning, achieving today and ready for tomorrow.
The staff and governors take very seriously their duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils.
We are committed to creating and maintaining a safe learning environment for the children.
Where we identify child welfare concerns we will take action to address them (in partnership with other agencies where appropriate).
We use the curriculum to develop children's understanding, awareness and resilience. Our Personal, Social and Health Education lessons include topics on how to stay safe. We also teach online safety and take part in Safer Internet Day each February.
We have robust monitoring and filtering systems that enable us to track children's use of the internet in school.
Our online safety policy can be found on the Policies page.
Support for parents with online safety at home can be found on our Online Safety page.
Recruitment and Training
We follow robust safer recruitment procedures and all staff and regular volunteers undergo an enhanced DBS check.
All staff attend three yearly safeguarding training delivered by the area Child Protection School Liaison Officer and annual refresher training.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is the Headteacher, Mr Ferguson. Mrs Ledger and Mrs Marshall are also DSL-trained and are our deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.
Mrs Ledger is the Designated Teacher for Virtual Schools.
Policy and procedures
You can download our Child Protection Policy from our Policies page.
All safeguarding incidents and concerns are recorded on CPOMS, the Child Protection Online Management System.
We participate in Operation Encompass, which is a police and education early information safeguarding partnership enabling schools to offer immediate support to children experiencing domestic abuse.
We follow rigorous safer recruitment procedures - the policy is available from the policies page, as above.