High Street, Kimpton, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG4 8RB

01438 832394

Kimpton Primary School

Achieving today; ready for tomorrow.


The world of technology is fast paced and at Kimpton Primary School, learning computing is a vital life skill. To prepare our children for the next step of learning will use a scheme called Purple Mash that continues to overlay and build on skills from the previous year. Each child has access to a laptop during the lesson and where appropriate, other curriculum areas are enhanced with the use of ICT.  

Teachers model how each lesson is applicable in the real world and which types of jobs would use that particular skill set. Teachers model excitement towards the use of technology and demonstrate how things have been improved with developments in this area.  

Children from EYFS have opportunities to use a range of technology such as, iPads, Chrome Books, Laptops, Digital Cameras, Bee Bots, Voice Recorders, and Interactive White Boards. 

Staff teach explicit units that focuses on online safety but in addition to this, the school take opportunities to further deliver the key principals of online safety when possible and promote this ethos regularly.